Fuel Filtration

With Industry Leading fuel-filtration technology, Redion offers client specific comprehensive fuel treatment programs.

Light Oil & Other Fluid Filtration

Base oil, hydraulic or EHC fluids, and other light oils can be filtered and decontaminated, not sent for disposal.

Advanced Solutions

Working with leading developers, Redion Services helps deliver tomorrow’s future solutions today.  Specialized coatings, pipeline mapping and inspection, revolutionary materials and more.


Help Prevent Costly Corrosion

Improperly stored fuel increases the risk for internal tank corrosion.  Working in concert, water and microbial growth attack steel tanks.  Ultra Low Sulfur Diesel (ULSD), frequently mixed with biofuels, can foster tank corrosion not seen with traditional diesel formulations.  Fuel treatment and tank servicing can help prevent costly repairs.

Eliminate Unnecessary Waste and Expense

Filtering fluids can protect sensitive equipment and extend the fluid life cycle.  Avoid unnecessary disposal and waste of product when storage tanks undergo service or inspection.


Next Steps...

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